Hyojung's Charades Incident

Regarding the fatphobic accusation, many people are speaking for Shindong (SUJU), claiming that he felt uncomfortable about the joke. Those who said that, fail to understand why Shindong FOLLOWED Hyojung’s personal acc and Arin’s personal acc on Instagram after. We believe that SuJu and OMG are good friends because there were a few times where they interacted with one another in other shows besides Shindong Gayo (With the most recent one being the show “Friends" and the “Weekly Idol 500th episode”. On top of that, we don’t see why the girls would be fatphobic when they literally have a member who left the group due to Anorexia. (NOTE: Antis are spreading misinformation by using JinE’s health condition to make out the idea that “Oh My Girl is fatphobic” ).

Clip of the incident

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( Made with Carrd )